To prepare Michigan's students with the skills and knowledge needed for the jobs of the 21st Century
global economy, the State of michigan has enacted a rigorous new set of statewide graduation requirements that are among the
best in the nation.
With these new graduation requirements, students will be well-prepared for futher success in college
and on the job. Michigan is developing a highly-skilled 21st century workfaorce that will drive the state's economy today
and into the future.
The new graduation standards will be required starting with the class of 2010, next year's eighth
graders. Yet, many school districts already are implementing the Michigan Merit Curriculum as their graduation requirement.
Algebra 1, Geometrt, Algebra II: including one credit in Senior Year
Aligned with subject are content expectations developed by state Dept. of Education
3 Credits
Biology; Physics or Chemistry; one additional Science Credit
3 Credits
Social Studies
.5 credit in Civics;
.5 credit in Economics
U.S History and Geography; World History and Geography
1 Credits
Physical Education/Health
Credit guidelines to be developed by state Dept. of Education
1 Credits
Visual, Performing, Applied Arts
Credit guidelines to be developed by state Dept. of Education
Additional Graudation Requirements
On line Learning Experience-Students must take an on-line course or learning experience; Or have the on-line learing
experience incorporated into each of the required credits of the Michigan Merit Crriculum.
Worlds Languages-Beginning with the class of 2016 (Third Graders in fall 2006), students will nedd to complete 2 credits
of a World Language in grades 9-12; Or have eequivalent learnind experience in grades k-12.