The immediate objective of this student code of conduct is to maintain an effective learning envorment
for every member of the ecorse Public School System. The ultimate objective of this Student Code of Conuct i to facilitate
the postive development of each student's abilities, attitudes and habits essential to acceptabke and self-controlled behavior
neccessary for succeddful adjustment to our society.
Along the journey from childhood to adulthood, it it important for oue students to learn to respect
rules and regulations of conduct in the school community. Ecorse Public Schools, in conjunction with the community at large
and your peer, have crafted this student code of conduct based on needs of all parties. Violations of school rules and regulaations
that are harmfull to the rightd and privileges of others cannot be tolerated.
Each student of the Ecorse Public School is valued. As such, the discipline policy of the Ecorse
Public Schools is based on principles of fairness. When it is necessary to use corrective measures and to the extent possible,
such measures are based on a balance between an understading of each student and on sound guidance practices.
A person who has special needs shall not soley by reason of being special needs be excluded fro
the participation in or denied the protection of the Ecorse Public Schools Student Code of Conduct.
The Student Code of Conduct and the authority of any member of the school staff to enforse this student
code of conduct applies to you during the following student situations:
- When students are traveling to and from school or school-sponsored activity, including bus transportation
and other school related vehicles.
- When students are in or on property of the school district.
- When students are at any school-sponsored activity, regaerdless of its location.
- Regardless of location, where the results of a students's conduct would creat substantial risk of
disruption to the educational process or an orderly school environment.
- When students are using school technology, telecommunication networks, accounts or other services.
It is the responsibilty of all school community members to become familar with the Student Code of
Conduct. As a student member of the Ecorse Public Schools System, you will be required to follow the rules and regulations
contained herein.