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Does your vocabulary measure up? Aconfident command of a growing vocabulary is one of the best indicaators of achievement in school.
Building on the success of the popular 100 words Every High School Student Should Know, the editors of the american Hertiage 'Dictionaaires are pleased to introduce a new list of words geraed towards the reading level expectes of high school freshmen. With its attratives format and thoughtful  word selection, 100 Words Every High School Freshmen Should Know will spur sstudents to add mew words to their vocabularies as they make the important transition from middle school to high school.

1. Accentuate            37.Impertinent              72.Renegade
2. Alliterarion             38.Inference                  73.Repose
3. Analogy                 39.Introspection            74.Sacrifce
4. Antibody                40.Jaunty                     75.Silhouette
5. Aspire                    41.Jovial                       76.Solstice
6. Bamboozle             42.Kilometer                 77.Spectrum
7. Bizarre                   43.Labyrinth                 78.Stereotype
8. Boisterous              44. Laconic                  79.Startegy
9. Boycott                  45.Lichen                     80.Suffrage
10. Camflage              46.Light-Year                81.Symbiosis
11. Chronology            47.Maneuver                82.Tariff
12. Commemorate       48. Marsupial               83.Technique
13. Cower                    49. Metaphor               84.Tempo
14. Decorum                50. Mosaic                  85.Toxin
15. Deduction              51.Mutation                 86.Tranquility
16. Deign                     52. Nebula                  87.Tumult
17. Despondent           53.Nocturnal                88.Tundra
18. Dialogue                54.Nuisance                89.Ultraviolet
19. Divulge                  55.Omnivore                90.Unanimous
20. Eclectic                 56.Outrageous            91.Undulate
21. Ellipse                   57.Ozone                   92.Vaccine
22. Embargo                58. Parasite               93.Vacillate
23. Enthusiastic            59. Participle            94.Vertebrate
24. Exponent                60.Phloem                95.Virtuoso
25. Exult                      61. Plateau               96.Voraciuos
26. Fallacy                   62.Polygon               97.Wretched
27. Flourish                  63.Protagonist          98.Xylem
28.Formidale                64.Pulverize              99.Yacht
29.Garoyle                   65.Quandary           100.Zoology
30.Guerrilla                  66.Quarantine
31.Guru                        67. Quote
32.Heritage                    68.Rainforest
33. Hieroglyphic             69.Random
34.Hologram                  70.Recede
35.Hypocrisy                  71.Renaissance